Thursday 19 February 2015

Filled Under:

Introduction of Basic English (I) & Introduction of Basic English (II)

Nama : Erny Bt Yohanes
Introduction of Basic English (I)
A.     Using a dictionary
·       A dictionary contains an alphabetical list of words and their meanings.
·       Dictionaries contain other information as well as helping your spell and find the meanings of unfamiliar words.
1.     Does your dictionary have :
Definitions / word meaning.
Synonims or antonims
US (American Spelling)
Plural of nouns
Pronounciation of words
Parts of Speech
Origins of words
Grammatical information
Prepositional rules
English spelling
Word usage (e.g.slang)

2.     Different Kinds of Dictionaries
       Math Dictionary     •   Illustrated Dictionary •    The Australian Slang Dictionary
       Non-English Language Dictionary                   •    Special Subject Dictionary
       Australian English (e.g.Macquire Dictionary) •    Internet Dictionary
       American English (e.g. Webster’s Dictionary)            •    E-dictionary
3.     Finding Your Way Around Your Dictionary
         Look in the introduction section of your dictionary (Make sure your edition is no more than 10 years old)
         The introduction section gives :
§  The explanation of the meanings of special marks
§  How to say (pronounce) words
§  Abbreviations and symbols
§  Details on how to use that dictionary
4.     Word Meanings
       Many people use a dictionary to find the meaning of words.
       Each word that is explained in the dictionary is usually in bold type.
       Entry words may be shown divided into syllables (
       Some words may have only one meaning, and some have more than one meaning.
       It might necessary to scan all meanings to find one that suits the context.
5.     Illustrative Sentences
       Sentences that show how a word is used are sometimes included in dictionaries.
       The following sentence for example, might be used to demonstrate the meaning of ”sarcasm”.
       “How unselfish you are”, said the girl with sarcasm, as her brother took the biggest piece of cake.
6.     Checking your spelling in dictionary
       Sometimes there are two or more correct spellings of a single word (Be aware of American and English Spelling), e.g. Colour/color
       They are usually in bold type and may be treated in two ways :
       If the different spelling is used as frequently
       (e.g. ax or axe)
       If the main entry spelling is preferred (e.g.medieval also mediaeval).
7.     Part of Speech and Plurals
adj. Adjective
prep. Preposition
adv. Adverb
interj. Interjection
pro. Pronoun
n. Noun
v. verb
conj.  Conjunction
pl. plural
pt. Past tense
pp. Past participle
sing.  Singular

       An entry may show how to spell the plural form of a noun  (especially if it is formed in different way). For example : radius ---radii , sheep---sheep.
       If this is formed by adding –s or –es , it is not usually shown.
8.     Finding difficult word
       Words in a dictionary occur in strict alphabetical order.
       Word may begin with a different letter which sounds the same. In this situation, the alternative way to find the word is by looking through its tricky sounds.
9.     List of some tricky beginning sounds
Beginning sounds
The word could begin with
B.     Vocabulary and tenses
1.     Vocabulary Strategies
       Make a sentence with the new word or expression
Example : I put the letter in an envelope.
       Make notes about how to use the word or expression
Example : information NOT informations
       Mark the stress
Example : pho(to)graphy
       Write the pronounciation
Example : photography / fэ’togrэfi/
       Organise new vocabulary in topic groups
       Write words with similar meanings
       Write words with their opposites
       Use pictures and diagrams
       Write list of words with their translations
       Write a definition in english
Example : to repeat = to do again
       Write different part of speech
Example : translate (v), translation(n), translator (n.person)
       Write words with their partners
Example : go to, make a mistake,etc
C.     Reading Skill
       Reading in English is like reading in your native language. This means that it is not always necessary to read and understand each and every word in English.
       Remember that reading skills in your native language and English are basically the same.
1.     Types of Reading Skill
       Skimming - used to understand the "gist" or main idea.
       Scanning - used to find a particular piece of information
       Extensive reading - used for pleasure and general understanding
       Intensive reading - accurate reading for detailed understanding
         Skimming is used to quickly gather the most important information, or 'gist'. Run your eyes over the text, noting important information
         It's not essential to understand each word when skimming.
         Examples of Skimming:
§  The Newspaper (quickly to get the general news of the day)
§  Magazines (quickly to discover which articles you would like to read in more detail)
§  Business and Travel Brochures (quickly to get informed)
3.     Scanning
       Scanning is used to find a particular piece of information. Run your eyes over the text looking for the specific piece of information you need.
       scanning on schedules, meeting plans, etc. in order to find the specific details you require.
       If you see words or phrases that you don't understand, don't worry when scanning.
       Examples of Scanning
§  The "What's on TV" section of your newspaper.
§  A train / airplane schedule
§  A conference guide
4.     Extensive Reading
       Extensive reading is used to obtain a general understanding of a subject and includes reading longer texts for pleasure, as well as textbooks.
       Do not worry if you understand each word.
       Examples of Extensive Reading
§  The latest marketing strategy book
§  A novel you read before going to bed
§  Magazine articles that interest you
5.     Intensive Reading
       Intensive reading is used on shorter texts in order to extract specific information.
       It includes very close accurate reading for detail.
       Use intensive reading skills to grasp the details of a specific situation. In this case, it is important that you understand each word, number or fact.
       Examples of Intensive Reading
§  A bookkeeping report
§  An insurance claim
§  A contract

Introduction of Basic English (II)
A.     Listening And Conversation Skill
1.     What does it mean to really listen ?
·       Real listening is an active process that has three basic steps.
·       Hearing
Hearing just means listening enough to catch what the speaker is saying. For example, say you were listening to a report on zebras, and the speaker mentioned that no two are alike. If you can repeat the fact, then you have heard what has been said.
·       Understanding
The next part of listening happens when you take what you have heard and understand it in your own way. Let's go back to that report on zebras. When you hear that no two are alike, think about what that might mean. You might think, "Maybe this means that the pattern of stripes is different for each zebra.“
·       Judging
After you are sure you understand what the speaker has said, think about whether it makes sense. Do you believe what you have heard? You might think, "How could the stripes to be different for every zebra? But then again, the fingerprints are different for every person. I think this seems believable."
2.     Tips for being a good listener :
·       Give your full attention on the person who is speaking. Don't look out the window or at what else is going on in the room.
·       Make sure your mind is focused, too. It can be easy to let your mind wander if you think you know what the person is going to say next, but you might be wrong! If you feel your mind wandering, change the position of your body and try to concentrate on the speaker's words.
·       Let the speaker finish before you begin to talk. Speakers appreciate having the chance to say everything they would like to say without being interrupted. When you interrupt, it looks like you aren't listening, even if you really are.
·       Let yourself finish listening before you begin to speak! You can't really listen if you are busy thinking about what you want say next.
·       Listen for main ideas. The main ideas are the most important points the speaker wants to get across. They may be mentioned at the start or end of a talk, and repeated a number of times. Pay special attention to statements that begin with phrases such as "My point is.." or "The thing to remember is...“
·       Ask questions. If you are not sure you understand what the speaker has said, just ask. It is a good idea to repeat in your own words what the speaker said so that you can be sure your understanding is correct. For example, you might say, "When you said that no two zebras are alike, did you mean that the stripes are different on each one?"
·       Give feedback. Sit up straight and look directly at the speaker. Now and then, nod to show that you understand. At appropriate points you may also smile, frown, laugh, or be silent. These are all ways to let the speaker know that you are really listening. Remember, you listen with your face as well as your ears!
3.     Thinking Fast
Remember: time is on your side! Thoughts move about four times as fast as speech. With practice, while you are listening you will also be able to think about what you are hearing, really understand it, and give feedback to the speaker.

B.     Conversation skill
1.     Better English Speaking Skill
Improving your English speaking skills will help you communicate more easily and effectively. But how do you become a more confident English speaker?
Ø  Practise where you can, when you can.
Any practice is good – whether you speak to someone who is a native English speaker or not.
Ø  It's important to build your confidence.
If possible, use simple English sentence structure that you know is correct, so that you can concentrate on getting your message across.
Ø  Try to experiment with the English you know.
Use words and phrases you know in new situations. Native English speakers are more likely to correct you if you use the wrong word than if you use the wrong grammar. Experimenting with vocabulary is a really good way of getting feedback.
Ø  Try to respond to what people say to you. You can often get clues to what people think by looking at their body language. Respond to them in a natural way.
Ø  Try NOT to translate into and from your own language. This takes too much time and will make you more hesitant.
Ø  If you forget a word, do what native English speakers do all the time, and say things that 'fill' the conversation. This is better than keeping completely silent. Try using um, or er, if you forget the word.
Ø  Don't speak too fast!
It's important to use a natural rhythm when speaking English, but if you speak too fast it will be difficult for people to understand you.
Ø  Try to relax when you speak – you'll find your mouth does most of the pronunciation work for you. When you speak English at normal speed, you'll discover that many of the pronunciation skills, such as linking between words, will happen automatically.
Other Important Tips
when speaking English…
Ø  Try to become less hesitant and more confident.
Ø  Don't be shy to speak – the more you do it, the more confident you'll become.
Ø  Remember to be polite – use "please" and "thank you" if you ask someone to do something for you.
General Aims in Speaking
Ø  Speak English more confidently and fluently
Ø  Improve your English pronunciation so other people understand you better
Ø  Reduce your native accent
How It Works
Step 1
Listen to the correct pronunciation given by native English speakers
Step 2
Repeat and record the phrase
Step 3
Compare your pronunciation to native English speakers (direct speaking, movie, song,and other media).

C.     Writing Skill
o   Purpose : To display knowledge
o   Audience : teachers, colleagues, lecturers, other researchers
o   Example : Research paper, Journal articles, Proceeding, etc

o   Purpose : To enlighten, entertain
o   Audience : Yourself or friends
o   Examples : Journals, letters, etc
o   Purpose : To get something done
o   Audiences : Supervisors, subordinates, or customers
o   Examples : reports
2.     Key Features of Good Academic Writing :
o   Write , don’t speak
o   Avoid cliches, euphemisms, and tautologies
o   Avoid slang, and emotive and personal expressions
o   Active rather than passive writing: steer clear of waffle
o   Add variety of your expression
o   Be accurate and specific
o   Avoid point form, unanswered questions, and “ floating quotations “

Context Clues
1.     Definition of Context
·       To improve the ability to guess the meaning of unfamiliar word, we can use context clues.
·       Context refers to the sentence and paragraph in which a word occurs.
·       However, in using the context to decide the meaning of a word, the knowledge of grammar and understanding of the author’s ideas are needed
2.     How to improve the ability to guess
·       Use the meanings of the other word in the sentence (or paragraph) and the meaning of the sentence as a whole to reduce the number of possible meanings.
·       Use grammar and punctuation clues that point to the relationships among the various parts of the sentence
·       Be content with a general idea about the unfamiliar word; the exact definition or synonym is not always necessary.
·       Learn to recognize situations in which it is not necessary to know the meaning of the word.
Exercise 1
Each of sentence in this exercise contains a blank . You should supply a word that is appropriate in terms of grammar and meaning for each blank by using context clues

1.     I removed the…….from the shelf and began to read.
2.     Harvey is a thief; he would……the gold from his grandmother’s teeth and not feel guilty
3.     Our uncle was a…….., an incurable wanderer who never could stay in one place.
4.     Unlike his brother, who is a truly a handsome person, Hogartty is quite……..
5.     The Asian…….., like other apes, is specially adapted for life in trees.
6.     But surely everyone knows that if you step on an egg, it will…..
7.     Tom got a new ……..for his birthday. It is a sports model, red, with white interior and bucket seats.
Exercise 2
Read each sentence carefully, and write definition, synonym, or description of the italicized word on the line provided.
1.     We watched as the cat came quietly through the grass toward the bird. When it was just a few feet from the victim, it gathered its legs under itself, and pounced.
2.     Some people have no difficulty making the necessary changes in their way of life when they move to a foreign country; others are not able to adapt as easily to a new environment.
3.     In spite of the fact that the beautiful egret is in danger of dying out completely, many clothing manufacturers still offer handsome prices for their long, elegant tail feathers, which are used as decorations on ladies’ hats.
4.     When he learned that the club was planning to admit women, the colonel began to inveigh against all form of liberalism; his shouting attack began with universal voting and ended with a protest against divorce.
Inveigh Against______________________
5.     The snake slithered through the grass.
6.     Experts in kinesics, in their study of body motion as related to speech, hope to discover new methods of communication.
7.     The man thought that the children were defenseless, so he walked boldly up to the oldest and demanded money. Imagine his surprise when they began to pelt him with rocks.
8.     Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is shy, unsociable person who does not like to go to parties or to make new friends.
9.     After a day of hunting, Harold is ravenous. Yesterday, for example, he ate two bowls of soup, salad, a large chicken, and a piece of chocolate cake before he was finally satisfied.
10.  After the accident, the ship went down so fast that we weren’t able to salvage any of our personal belongings.

3.     Identifying Contextual Definitions
·       Sometimes a sentence is like a “sentence” in mathematics :
o   Solar energy is energy from the sun
A      +    B       =    B       +        C
o   Solar energy , power from the sun has many uses
A     +    B      =   D     +        C
·       Your instructor, or teacher, will explain the lesson
·       The answer is in the conclusion, the last part of the story.
·       People who study the stars are called astronomers
·       I will use diagrams– pictures or drawings – to explain the new machine.

Describing Graph
1.     Kriteria Pendeskripsian Grafik
Dalam mendeskripsikan sebuah grafik, harus memenuhi kriteria-kriteria berikut :
·       Harus memiliki struktur yang tepat (introduction, body dan conclusion).
·       Menggunakan grammar dan vocabulary yang tepat.
·       Mampu memdeskripsikan keseluruhan grafik (tidak secara detail) dengan tetap berfokus pada detail atau informasi penting dalam sebuah grafik.
2.     Memilih Informasi Penting dalam Grafik
·       Grafik perlu dideskripsikan secara keseluruhan. Namun dalam hal ini tidak berarti bahwa setiap informasi dalam grafik harus ditampilkan. Biasanya terlalu banyak informasi yang terdapat dalam sebuah grafik. Oleh karena itu dalam mendeskripsikan sebuah grafik, perlu untuk membaginya menjadi bagian-bagian kecil. Hal ini dikenal dengan cara mendeskripsikan tren (describing trends)
·       Contoh :
Sebuah grafik dapat dibagi berdasarkan perioda atau tahun


·       Cara kedua dalam mendeskripsikan tren adalah dengan jalan membagi grafik berdasarkan bentuk grafik
·       Dari grafik contoh, tren dapat dibagi menjadi empat bagian yaitu :
·       Peningkatan (gradual increase) 1960 – 1968
·       Peningkatan (steeper increase) 1968 – 1977
·       Tidak terjadi perubahan (a plateau) 1977 – 1983
·       Penurunan (a drop) 1983 – 1988
3.     Struktur Pendeskripsian Grafik
·       Pendahuluan (Introduction)
Menggunakan dua standar dalam memperkenalkan grafik.
Pertama, mendefinisikan grafik secara keseluruhan baik dalam hal waktu, lokasi dan apa yang dideskripsikan dalam grafik.
    Contoh :

Kedua, mendeskripsikan keseluruhan tren yang tampak pada sebuah grafik
Contoh :

·       Isi (Body)
Isi merupakan bagian yang mendeskripsikan grafiks secara detail. Bagian ini harus disusun berdasarkan urutan kronologis sehingga informasi harus dituliskan berdasarkan yang paling dulu terjadi hingga yang paling akhir.
·       Kesimpulan (Conclusion)
Merupakan kalimat akhir yang berisi ringkasan dari seluruh hal yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya.
4.     Mendeskripsikan Tren
·       Tren adalah gerakan atau perubahan. Perubahan ini biasanya digambarkan secara numerik (angka) contoh :jumlah populasi, volume produksi, atau jumlah pengangguran.
·       Ada tiga tren dasar, yaitu :
·       Dalam mendeskripsikan perubahan dapat menggunakan kata kerja (verb of change) atau kata benda.
Contoh :

Ø  Noun dan Verb untuk mendeskripsikan Grafik

Ø  Adjective dan Adverb
·       Kita dapat memodifikasi kata benda (noun) dengan kata sifat (adjective) atau sebuah kata kerja (verb) dengan kata cara (adverb)
Ø  Mendeskripsikan Level Perubahan
Ø  Mendeskripsikan Kecepatan Perubahan

·       Dalam mendeskripsikan tren juga dapat dilakukan dengan cara :
·       Melihat perbedaan pada dua level
·       Melihat akhir dari sebuah titik
Contoh :
5.     Mengekspresikan Aproksimasi
·       Gunakan term di bawah ini untuk mendeskripsikan grafik di bawah ini :
initally, stood at, dip/dipped, peak/peaked, level/levelled out

·       Tuliskan 3 buah kalimat untuk mendeskripsikan grafik di bawah ini dengan menggunakan kata by, of dan to

Describing Graph, Table and Diagram (2)
1.     Mempresentasikan Grafik, Tabel, dan Diagram
·       Pada sebuah grafik, axis horisontal dan vertikal memberikan informasi yang paling penting. Umumnya trend dalam perioda waktu yang spesifik digambarkan dalam axis tersebut.
·       Pada diagram batang, informasi disajikan dalam bentuk yang sama namun dengan penyajian unit pengukuran dalam bentuk batang atau kolom.
·       Histogram memperlihatkan distribusi secara numerikal
·       Diagram pie  memperlihatkan proporsi yang biasanya ditunjukkan dalam bentuk persentase.
·       Tabel merepresentasikan data secara detail dalam menunjukkan perubahan terhadap waktu atau distribusi variabel berdasarkan waktu atau tipe. Dibutuhkan interpretasi yang lebih dalam dibandingkan dengan grafik.
2.     Focus Bahasa untuk Grafik, Tabel dan Diagram
·       Focus bahasa untuk grafik, tabel dan diagram dibagi menjadi :
o   Introductory expressions (ekspresi pendahuluan).
o   Time Expression (Ekspresi Pewaktuan)
o   Term of Measurement ( Istilah-istilah pengukuran).

v Ekspresi Pendahuluan
Contoh :
        The graph/table/diagram shows/ indicates/ illustrates/ reveals/ represents….
        It can be seen from the graph/ table….
        As the graph/table shows,…
        As can be seen from the graph/table,…
        As is shown by the graph/ table, …..
        As is illustrated by the graph / table, …..
        From the graph / table, it is clear that…..
Jodohkanlah sebanyak mungkin ekspresi pada tabel sebelah kiri dan sebelah kanan dengan tepat
·       The graph shows/indicates
·       It is clear from the table
·       It can be seen from the graph
·       As the table shows,
·       As can be seen from the graph,
·       As is shown / illustrated by the graph
·       That the population of Alia grew in the 20th century.
·       The growth in the size of the population of Alia.
·       The population of Alia grew in the 20th century
v Ekspresi Pewaktuan
·       In
In 1999….     In the 20th century…..  In the first ten years…..
·       For
For the first six months…..      For twenty years….
·       During
During the first six months…..  During the first half of this country….    During the remainder of the year……
·       From….to / until….
From August to / until November….    From 1950 to 1960…..
·       Between….and….
Between 1950 and 1960….
·       Before/ after
Before 1960 the number remained small, but after 1965, there was a sudden increase.
·       By
By the late 19th century the rural workforce had declined significantly
·       Around / about
Around/ about 1980 there was a change in the number of female part-time employees.
·       At
At the end of the last century there was a sharp increase in manufacturing
·       Since
Since the 19th century there has been a steady decline
·       Ekspresi lainnya
o   In the period from….to….
o   In the period between….and…
o   in the first/last three months of the year
o   over the period……..
o   over the next years/decades/ quarter of  a century
o   over a ten year period
o   throughout the 19th century
o   from that time on
o   after that
o   then
o   in the 1980s

Penggunaan Verb yang Tepat
·       Untuk sebagian besar bentuk visual, waktu sering disajikan dalam bentuk lampau. Dalam hal ini Past Simple Tense digunakan. Jika terdapat dua hal yang terjadi pada waktu yang bersamaan, gunakan Past Continuous Tense pada salah satu dari keduanya.
·       Jika menggunakan kata since atau recently, gunakan The Present Perfect Tense.
·       Dengan menggunakan kata by maka digunakan bentuk The Past Perfect atau The Future Perfect Tense.
v Istilah-istilah Pengukuran
o   Kuantitas
     amount                                   quantity         
     number                                   figure 
     the total                                 the total amount
     the total quantity                  the total number
     all of the                                 the whole of the  
     the whole amount                 the full amount    
     the majority                           the greatest number     
     the maximum                         the minimum
With Countable Nouns
With Uncountable Nouns
All of the
(a lot of)
The whole (of the)
A great deal of
( a lot of)

o   Unit Pengukuran Lain
        Range              rate                             level                degree
            extent             scale                            proportion
            ratio                percent                       percentage
        Length             weight distance          height
            altitude           area                             volume            size
            frequency       duration
3.     Verbs dalam Deskripsi Grafik, Table dan Diagram
        Be                                make up                      consist of
        Constitute                  comprise                     amount to
        Equal                           account for                 represent
        Include                                    record                         reach
        Stand at                      become
4.     Verb yang Menggambarkan Tren
        Increase          go up               rise                  grow
     expand                        double                        multiply          jump
     climb               gain                 raise                accelerate
     develop           escalate
        Decrease         go down          fall                   drop
     decline                        reduce             shrink              lessen
     lower               contract          slow down      deplete
     diminish          level off
        Remain/ stay the same / unchanged/ steady/ stable/ constant
        Fluctuate                    vary
5.     Mathematical Expression
·       Half n.             Halve vb.                     double n./vb
·       Triple n.          Treble vb.                   Threefold adj.
·       Quarter n./vb multiply vb.    Divide vb.
·       Average adj. / vb /n
·       Total adj./vb   partial adj.
·       Equal adj./n.   fraction n.
6.     Phrase
·       Adjectives
     high / low       :           a  high/low percentage
     large                :          a large number
     great               :          a great number
     significant       :           a significant number/percentage / amount
     considerable   :           a considerable amount/ increase
     substantial     :           a substantial increase/decrease
     major              :           a major increase / decrease
     remarkable     :           a remarkable increase
     steady             :           a steady decrease
     widespread      :          the widespread consumption
·       Adverbials
     over                             :  over 20 %
     under                          : under 5000
     just over / under        :  just over /under 5000 people
     around / about          : around / about 50 %
     approximately                        : approximately 25 %
     slightly                        : slightly more than half; slightly over 40%
     marginally                   : a marginally smaller percentage
     significantly                : significantly  fewer women
     close to                       : close to half
     considerably               : considerably more exports
     substantially               : substantially less traffic
     almost                                     : almost   exactly    twice as many
7.     Comparison, Contrast dan Correlation
·       Verb “to compare” menunjukkan kesamaan dan perbedaan antara dua hal
·       Verb “ to contrast” hanya digunakan untuk menunjukkan perbedaan.
·       Verb “ to correlate” menunjukkan hubungan antara dua hal yang terjadi pada waktu yang bersamaan; seringkali berarti hubungan sebab dan akibat.
8.     Implicit dan Explicit Contrast
·       Dalam beberapa kasus, hal-hal yang kontradiktif tersirat. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan menempatkan hal-hal tersebut secara berdampingan.
            contoh :
            Alia is a republic with a popularly elected president. Betastan is a military dictatorship.
            Pada contoh di atas tidak diperlukan untuk menggunakan connective word seperti “ by contrast” karena kontradiktifnya tersirat dari kalimat tersebut dengan jelas.
·       Untuk Explicit Contrast dimana kontradiktif dari dua hal tidak tersirat dengan jelas, dibutuhkan kata-kata untuk memperlihatkan perbedaan antara dua hal.
Untuk perbandingan yang sederhana, kata-kata yang dapat digunakan diantaranya :
more        less                  fewer               greater
larger       smaller                        higher             lower
·       More, greater, higher, dan less digunakan dengan uncountable nouns dan the singular verb
contoh :
There is more/greater/less growth in GNP p.a in Alia than in Bestastan.
o   More and fewer are followed by countable nouns in the plural.
     Contoh :
     There were more/fewer accidents last year than the year before.
o   Kesamaan (similarity) dapat diperlihatkan dengan menggunakan kata-kata di bawah ini :
     similarly                      likewise                       equally
     in                                 the same way             the same
     in                                 a similar way/fashion
     both ….                       and….                          as well as…
     not only….                  but also….                   also
     too                              like x, y……
     as…as…                       just as x, y…                just as x, so y…
o   Kontradiktif juga dapat diperjelas dengan menggunakan connective word di bawah ini :
     but                              while                           in contrast to
     however                      whereas                      by contrast
     nevertheless               although                     instead of
     yet                               even though               apart from
     on the other hand     as opposed to
     except for                   unlike
Describing Technical Object
1.     Describing Parts or Components
2.     Describing More than One Part


3.     This and These

Language Focus
4.     Articles
·       Secara mendasar, an article adalah kata sifat (adjective). Sebagaimana adjectives, articles berfungsi memodifikasi kata benda (nouns).
·       Bahasa Inggris memiliki 2 jenis articles: the dan a/an. The digunakan untuk merujuk pada kata benda tertentu atau spesifik; a/an digunakan untuk memodifikasi kata benda yang tidak tentu atau tidak spesifik. Kita menyebut the sebagai the definite article dan a/an sebagai the indefinite article.
Ø  Articles A/An
o   "A" and "an" merujuk bahwa kata  benda yang dimodifikasi adalah indefinite, menunjuk pada setiap anggota dari kelompok yang dimaksud contoh :
o   "My daughter really wants a dog for Christmas." Ini merujuk  pada anjing manapun.
o   "Somebody call a policeman!" Ini merujuk pada polisi manapun.
o   a + singular noun digunakan pada kata benda yang dimulai dengan konsonan: a boy; a car; a bike; a zoo; a dog
o   an + singular noun digunakan pada kata benda yang dimulai dengan vokal: an elephant; an egg; an apple; an idiot; an orphan
o   a + singular noun digunakan pada kata benda yang dimulai dengan BUNYI konsonan: a user (dibaca 'yu-zer); a university; a unicycle
o   an + nouns digunakan pada kata benda yang dimulai dengan bunyi vokal: an hour
Ø  Articles The
o   The definite article digunakan sebelum kata benda tunggal dan jamak jika kata benda yang dimaksud spesifik atau tertentu. Contoh:
o   "The dog that bit me ran away." Di kalimat ini, anjing yang dimaksud adalah anjing tertentu yang menggigit saya.
o   "I was happy to see the policeman who saved my cat!" Pada kalimat ini, polisi yang dimaksud adalah spesifik yaitu yang menyelamatkan kucing saya.
5.     Countable dan Non-Countable Nouns
·       A count noun adalah kata-kata benda yang dapat dinyatakan dalam bentuk jamak, biasanya dengan menambahkan “-s” pada akhir kata. Contoh : "cat—cats," "season—seasons," "student—students."
·       A noncount noun adalah kata-kata benda yang tidak dapat dinyatakan dalam bentuk jamak. Contoh : "milk," "water," "air," "money," "food.“
·       Some/Any: Pada countable dan uncountable nouns.
o   "There is some water on the floor."
o   "There are some Mexicans here."
o   "Do you have any food?"
o   "Do you have any apples?"
·       Much/Many: Much memodifikasi hanya uncountable nouns. Many memodifikasi hanya countable nouns.
o   "We don't have much time to get this done."
o   "Many Americans travel to Europe."
·       Little/Few: Little memodifikasi hanya uncountable nouns.
  • "He had little food in the house."
  • "The doctor had little time to think in the emergency room."
·       Few memodifikasi hanya countable nouns.
  • "There are few doctors in town."
  • "Few students like exams."
·       A lot of/lots of: A lot of/lots  adalah bentuk informal untuk much and many. Digunakan untuk uncountable nouns ketika berarti much dan dengan countable nouns ketika berarti many.
  • "They have lots of (much) money in the bank."
  • "A lot of (many) Americans travel to Europe.“
·       A little bit of: A little bit adalah bentuk  informal dan selalu digunakan pada uncountable noun.
  • "There is a little bit of pepper in the soup."
  • "There is a little bit of snow on the ground."
·       Enough: Enough memodifikasi countable dan uncountable nouns.
  • "There is enough money to buy a car."
  • "I have enough books to read."
·       Plenty of: Plenty memodifikasi countable dan uncountable nouns.
  • "They have plenty of money in the bank."
  • "There are plenty of millionaires in Switzerland."
·       No: No memodifikasi countable dan uncountable nouns.

v Describing Lines

v Shapes

v Technical Measurement

v Mathematical Operators

v Language Focus : What is it made of?
v Example of Describing Technical Object

Passive Voices, Modals, Adjective and Adverb
1.     Passive Vs Active Sentence
·       Compare these two Sentences :
o   Active : The secretary typed the report
o   Passive : The report was typed (by the secretary)
·       When the person doing the action (the secretary) is the subject then we use an active verb.
·       When the subject is what the action is directed at (the report), then we use a passive verb
2.     Form
Be (is/was/have been etc) + the past participle
Examples :
·       Tenses and Aspect in the Passive :
The letter was posted yesterday
·       Modal Verbs in the Passive :
All tickects must be shown
·       The Passive with Get :Sometimes we use get instead of be
The letter got lost in the post
3.     New Information
·       A sentence contains a topic and also new information about the topic. The new information usually comes at or near the end of the sentence.
·       Example :
                        Thomson discovered the electron
In this sentence, the topic is Thomson. The new information is that he discovered the electron. The electron is the important piece of new information, the point of interest.
·       The new information can be the agent.
            Example :
                        The Electroin was discovered by Thomson
Here the electron is the topic. The new information is that its discoverer was Thomson. Thomson is the point of interest, and it comes at the end of the sentence in a phrase with by.
            Other examples :
            The Electron was discovered in 1897
            The gas should be lit carrefully with a match

4.     Passive sentence without an agent
·       In a passive sentence, we mention the agent only if its important new information. There is often no need to mention it.
Examples :
o   A new government has been elected (by people)
o   The man was arrested (by police)
o   Hamlet was written in 1601 (by Shakespeare)
·       The agent may not be relevant to the message
       Examples :
o   A large number of Sherlock Holmes film have been made. (the makers of the films are not relevant – the number of films)
o   The Atom was regarded as solid until the electron was discovered in 1897. (the discoverer of the electron are not relevant- the time of discovery)
·       Sometimes we do not know the identity of the agent.
Example : My car was stolen
·       Sometimes we do not mention the agent because we do not want to.
Example : Mistakes have been made
5.     Empty Subject
·       Even when the agent is not important or not known, we do not always use the passive. In informal speech, we can use you, one, they, people or someone as vaque and empty subject.
·       Passive Sentence is preferred in more formal English
Examples :
o   You/ One can’t do anything about it (Active)
o   Nothing can be done about it (passive)
o   We/People use electricity for all kinds of purposes (Active)
o   Electricity is used for all kinds of purposes (passive)
6.     Typical Context for the Passive
·       We can use the passive in speech, but it is more common in writing, especially in the impersonal style of textbooks and reports.
o   To describe industrial and scientific processes
            - The ore is usually dug out of the ground.
        - If sulphur is heated, a number of changes can be seen.
o   To describe historical and social processes
       - A new political party was formed
         - A lot of money is given tho help the hungry
o   Official rules and procedures
          - The service is provided under a contract
          - This book must be returned to the library by the date above.
7.     Verbs which cannot be passive
·       An intransitive verb cannot be passive. These sentences have no passive equivalent.
o   Something happened
o   He slept soundly
o   The cat ran away
·       Some state verb cannot be passive, e.g. Be, belong, exist, have (=own), lack, resemble, seem, suit. These sentences have no passive equivalent.
o   Tom has a guitar
o   The building seemed empty
·       Some verbs can be either action verbs or state verbs, e.g. Measure, weigh, fit, cost. They can be passive only when they are action verbs.
o   Action & Active : The decorator measured the wall
o   Action & Passive : The wall was measured by the decorator.
o   State : The wall measured three metres
but NOT Three metres was measured by the wall
·       But some state verbs can be passive, e.g. Believe, intend, know, like, love, mean, need, own, understand, want.
o   The building is owned by an American Company
o   Old postcards are wanted by collectors.
8.     Tenses and aspects in the passive
·       A passive verb has a form of be and a passive participle.
                - The Ministry announced the figure (active).
                - The figure was announced (passive)
o   Simple tenses (simple form of be + passive participle).
-        Large number of people are killed in the roads.
-        The drugs were found by the police.
o   The Perfect (perfect of be + passive participle)
-        Cocaine has been seized by the FBI
-        The drugs have been loaded onto the ship in Ecuador.
o   The continuous (continuous of be + passive participle)
-        The case is being called “the chocolate connection”.
-        Three men were being questioned by detectives last night.
o   Will and be going to (future of be + p.participle)
-        The drugs will be destroyed
-        The men are going to be charged with importing cocaine.
·       We form negatives and questions in the same way as active sentences.
-        Negative : The law hasn’t been changed
-        Question : Has the law been changed ?
·       When we use a phrasal or prepositional verb in the passive, the adverb or preposition comes after the passive participle.
-        The tree was cut down last week
-        Has the doctor been sent for ?
·       A participle can be used as modifier, like an adjective (e.g. A broken vase). The participle can also be put after be. It can express either a state or an action.
-        The vase was broke. It lay in pieces on the floor (state).
-        The vase was broken by a guest. He knocked it over (action).
9.     The Passive with Get
·       We sometimes form the passive wit get rather than with be . The passive with get expresses action and change, not a state. It is often refers to something happening by accident, unexpectedly or incidentally. We do not use get for a major, planned action.
o   Example :
-        The vase got broken when we moved
-        We get paid monthly
-        It was so hot my shoulder were getting burnt
-        If you don’t lock your bike, it might get stolen
o   In simple tenses, we use auxiliary do in negatives and questions.
-        I forgot to leave the dustbin out, so it didn’t get emptied.
-        How often do these offices get cleaned ?
·       We also use get + passive participle in some idiomatic expressions
-        There wasn’t enough time to get washed (= wash oneself)
·       After get there can be an adjective in ed
-        I’d just got interested in the fim when the phone rang
(= I’d just become interested in the film).
Stems and Affixes
1.     Cont’d….
}  For example :
Report is formed from re, which means back, and port which means carry.
Scientist is derived from sci, which means know, and ist which means who.
}  Port and sci are called stems.
}  Re and ist are called affixes.
2.     Definition
·       A stem is the basic part on which groups of related words are built.
·       Affixes is word parts that are attached to stems.
·       Affixes like re, which are attached to the beginning of stems, are called prefixes.
·       Affixes attached to the end, like ist, are called suffixes
3.     Cont’d…….
·       Generally, prefixes change the meaning of a word and suffixes change its part of speech.
·       Example :
                     Stem         pay (verb)                 honest (adj)
                     Prefix       repay (verb)              dishonest (adj)
                     Suffix        repayment (n)          dishonestly(adv)
4.     Prefixes
}  com-, con-, col-, cor-, co-
              together with    ; example : cooperate, connect
}  In-, im-, il-, ir-
              in, into, on ; example : invade, insert
              not                         ; example : impolite, illegal
}  Micro-
              small      ; example : microscope, microcomputer
5.     Stems
}  - audi-,  -audit-
              hear       ; example : auditorium, auditor
}  - chron-
              time       ; example : chronology, chronological
}  -dic-, -dict-
              say, speak  ; example : dictator, dictation
}  - graph-, -gram-
              write, writing ; example : telegraph, telegram
}  - log -, - ology –
              speech, word, study ; example : biology
}  - phon –
              sound ; example : telephone
}  - scrib-, script-
              write ; example : describe, script
}  - spect –
              look at   ; example : inspect, spectator
}  - vid-, -vis-
              see                     ; example : video, vision

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